Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sucking on the teats of humanity

Sucking on the teats of humanity

the words
the actions
into the loneliness
into this glass palace
recording every nuance
so busy as we move forward
recognized by the unreality
moves that no one cared about
she always thought of Tarkovsky
they have called her incurable
building a railroad to her heart
pounding the spikes into the wood
she was the wood
I watched the wood bleed
I watched the wood turn human
questions about what is left behind
when someone dies
helping you create your box of lies
it is such a pretty box
I have typed the names on your pillboxes
two names for two coasts
catching your bees in the glass jar
its not as easy as you think
everyone in the same boat
padding for the shore
running from this hungery life
they never talked about this in the magazines
they never showed your weakness for vermin
she would hunt them down and devour them
asking them to pray for her rotten little animal soul
I take it out and I put it back in the animal
while she rubbed her pussy up against them
her smile singnified a beginning, a genesis
turning the pages to find the black spot
all the time she would be purring
and then it would turn into a moan
a tornado, an earthquake, a hurricane
diving halfway through her dreams
reaching into her overblown name
being blotted out
erased from the book of life
the rolled-up sleeves of her sweatshirt
she rubs her pussy on everything and everyone
it is her way of saying that she owns you
somedays it is good to be owned
to have a bitch to come home to
she could not touch me with her weariness
there was nothing I could do
my presence could set her signals off
reaching me through a thick wall
ten, fifteen, twenty, the strokes of the lash
the bucket on top of the wet ground
cursing the caller that knocks upon your door
with a soup bowl in his hand
begging for viscosity
rising up in the middle of the night
to knock the caller down
I have been your spy
snooping around the house of love
I have written down the words of the lovers
not understanding the words
only sounding them out
they are not words of creation
they are only words of death
this love you speak of is only murder
a knife sunk deep into the middle of the back
when I am with you, the laws of physics are suspended
a physical dread seeps under the door
right and wrong become confussing
that is why I call you Anomie
you make the rich jump from tall buildings
you make soldiers jump on top of grenades
you make the young die for unjust causes
I am always sweating and shaking
and in a big hurry to make sure this works
I'm standing outside the fastest and cleanest show on the earth
and I don't have a ticket
I can't get in and I don't know anyone who can get me in
so I stand outside listening to the roar of the Harvard crowd
to be educated in the best stupidities
to sound like the rest of the assholes and idiots
to suck the tits of learning
another happy robot
consuming his portion of shit
we got to worry about the economy
we got to worry about fitting in
being cool
having something to say
I have nothing to say
nothing to believe in
I'm not selling my soul tonight
and I won't steal yours
no more faith in anyone's adding machine
it doesn't add up
and it never will
this is nothing but hopeless and wothless bullshit
if I were you, I wouldn't read anymore
I would stop right now
turn around and go back to your comfortable life
continue to believe in things that do't exist
subscribe to a news magazine
download some music
buy a sixpack of beer
do whatever you have to so that you don't think
numb your mind
keep yurself busy
work and work some more
get involved in politics
watch the news
just stop thinking
don't ask questions
just beleive
believe in the bullshit
it is good for you
it is safer that way
god hates you
money hates you
the politicians hate
the movie stars hate you
the musicians hate you
the writers hate you
your parents hate you
your teachers hate you
the cops hate you
the garbageman hates you
the mailman hates you
your neighbors hate you
stray dogs hate you
blackbirds hate you
everyone is out to get you
run, run very fast
and don't stop
there is this hunger
it unites us
makes us brothers and sisters
we come from different walks of life
lived different experiences
yet we have this things that binds us together
some would call it a demon
or a shadow
and angel or a god
regardless, it is there
inside each and everyone of us
a Benway and a Grand Inquisitor
Expressing my hatred
Releasing my rebellion
Fuck you mister businessman
Buy this evil product
Sell me your soul
Show me the numbers that don’t add up
Here is a bottle of poison for you to drink
A knife to cut your wrists
It is better if you do it
I’ll make the whole damn thing too messy
I always make a mess
I played no part in history
Everything is a contradiction
Seizing hold of your life
And shaking it out of you
Like a bad child
Who has been caught with their hands in their pants
Shaking the life out of you
As you swing back and forth
Moaning ever so slightly
The vibrator is set on high
I sit and watch you swing back and forth
Buzz, buzz, buzz
You are a busy bee
Reaching out to you
Grasping you
I bite into you
Pushing you
Pounding you
Up against the wall
Adjusting the counter weights
Dropping you
Just a little
Looking inside of you
I find nothing
I am disgusted with you
You must die
A horrible death
Just like all the rest
I attach myself to you
Look inside of you
And find myself
Self-hate and loathing
You have become me

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